Quantbot Insights

Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Finance

September 19, 2019

Networking at MIT

As part of the continued recruiting for our summer 2020 internships, Quantbot attended the MIT Master of Finance (MFin) Networking Night in Boston. We brought along once-interns, now full-time hires to the event to meet prospective intern candidates and speak about their own experiences as Quantbot interns.

As a bonus, one of our attendees is even a MFin alum! Many students we met were interested in our available internships offering the opportunity to work directly with quant researchers. It was a great night for us and we received a lot of interest and encouragement from the students we met.

September 5, 2019

Quantbot Presents at CMU

Our summer 2020 intern recruiting has started in earnest, and we kicked it off with a presentation for the incoming CMU Master of Science in Computational Finance (MSCF) first-year students, in our own Quantbot-sponsored lecture room. Michi, our CEO, and Ashar, our CIO, gave a well-attended presentation introducing Quantbot, our intern program and an overview of what it takes to be a Quant. We were encouraged by the enthusiasm of the students and the informed and excellent questions they asked.

September 5, 2019

Phitopolis and Philippines

Paul White, President and CTO and Ashar Mahboob, CIO were in Manila to kick off an engagement with Phitopolis, a technology Research and Development firm based in the Philippines.  Phitopolis will be working on a number of technology development, data and quantitative research projects for Quantbot.

Ashar, Quantbot’s resident diving expert, took advantage of the trip to get some of the team on their first scuba diving experience which was truly amazing.

President and CTO Paul and CIO Ashar with Phitopolis team
Paul, Bala, and Ashar ready for a dive
Rare model status photo of Paul 😎


September 4, 2019

NOLA Offsite

This past weekend, our global partners team at Quantbot flew in to meet at the one place that offers the best culture, food, and drinks, New Orleans.

Quantbot partners from New York, London and Hong Kong met in New Orleans for an annual business review. Paul White, the firm’s President and CTO, walked the team through recent performance and longer term plans. The partners spent many hours discussing strategic plans for the coming years, as always no topic was off the table and plenty of great ideas came up.

An offsite meeting isn’t complete without delicious meals and drinks!

Quantbot Partners
💡 💡 💡
At Antonie’s
Baked oysters. po-boys, turtle soup, and drinks


August 8, 2019

Spin it to Win it

Last night, our Quantbot interns headed to Spin to attend Schonfeld’s Farewell Intern Event. With internship projects slowly wrapping up, it was a great opportunity for our interns to hang out and engage in friendly ping-pong competition with interns from Schonfeld and other quant groups before they all head back to their respective campuses this month. There was an informal tournament, and one of our interns was on the winning team! It was a fun night and we thank Schonfeld for inviting us.