Quantbot Insights

Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Finance

March 19, 2018

Paul White, Quantbot President, Completes First Marathon!

Our amazing President and CTO, Paul White, completed his first marathon, the Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon, on March 4! At Quantbot we like to celebrate not just professional accomplishments, but personal ones as well, and while we couldn’t be there in person, we were cheering for him like the rock star he is. Congrats Paul!

March 16, 2018

Quantbot Technologies Highlighted in Wall Street Journal Article

Quantbot Technologies was recently featured in a Wall Street Journal article. Check it out to learn a bit more about what we do.

January 29, 2018

Company Dinner with the Quantbot Hong Kong Office

The Quantbot Hong Kong office enjoyed the numbing spiciness and lively conversation at the House of Sichuan during a company outing while Michi Botlo, CEO, was in Hong Kong.

January 8, 2018

End of Year Celebration!

Happy New Year from Quantbot Technologies! We round out 2017 with an End-of-Year Celebration with the New York office. The whole office went to Suite 36, and chatted over plates of food (and helped along by an open bar!)

As we end 2017 on a high-note, may we wish everyone an incredible and happy 2018!