Quantbot Insights

Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Finance

September 21, 2023

Quantbot Attends the MIT MFin Networking Night

Recruitment continues apace with a visit to Boston for MIT Sloan’s Master of Finance Networking Night. As a premium sponsor on the night we had a great time meeting the graduating class and the incoming class of the MFin program. Joining Katharina Botlo, Quantbot’s Intern Program Coordinator, were Shrinath Viswanathan, a former Quantbot intern and current Quant Researcher, and Rui Xiong, a fellow Quant Researcher, former Quantbot intern and herself an alumni of MIT’s MFin program. We had a great time fielding questions from enthusiastic students who wanted to learn more about opportunities at Quantbot.

Rui, Shrinath, and Katharina ready to meet everyone
Talking to prospective interns!

September 21, 2023

Summer Intern Recruitment Season Kick Off with CMU MSCF

It’s officially intern hunting season. After a bumper summer of interns at Quantbot, our office is looking a little empty now and needs to be filled by..more interns! We started our Fall recruitment with our good friends at CMU’s MSCF program. First, at the end of August, we participated for the first time in their annual NYC Trek, where small groups visited various financial companies throughout the city. After hearing a company presentation, the students then had a chance to speak one-on-one with senior quant researchers at Quantbot in smaller breakout rooms. It was a great chance for a section of the incoming MSCF class to visit our new office, ask questions to actual quants about the job, and finish off with some pizza.

However, we didn’t want to leave the rest of the class without an impression of Quantbot, so we traveled down to their campus on Broad Street to give a company presentation to the whole incoming class. Ashar Maboob, our CIO, started with a run down of the company and what it takes to be a successful quant at Quantbot. Our second speaker, Ricky Der, Director of Quantitative Research, gave a deft overview of the quant research process from alpha generation to trade execution, and the pitfalls along the way. Katharina Botlo, our Intern Program Coordinator finished off the presentation by highlighting Quantbot’s intern program and the opportunities for them to apply for summer 2024. We always enjoy starting off our intern recruitment at CMU and this year was no different!

Ashar, our CIO, giving the introduction to Quantbot
Katharina, our Intern Program Coordinator, speaking about our intern program and the opportunities for 2024.

September 20, 2023

Quantbot hosts NYC Quantum Computing Meet up

On Wednesday, September 13 Quantbot had the pleasure of hosting the NYC Quantum Computing group in our office for their monthly meeting.

Vinod Menon, this month’s presenter, gave a presentation on “Half-light half-matter quasiparticles (polaritons) as a platform for Hamiltonian simulators and quantum optical nonlinearity”.

Tom Crimi, Quantbot’s CTO, giving the opening talk about Quantbot.

It was a great night of discussion with great minds. We look forward to hosting future events in our space as we continue to grow in our space.

Vinod Menon is a Professor of Physics at the City College of New York and doctoral faculty at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America (now Optica) and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in Photonics (2018-2020). More details about his group can be found at:

And for those curious as to the content of the presentation:
Abstract: Strong light-matter interaction results in the formation of half-light half-matter quasiparticles called polaritons that take on the properties of both its constituents. In this talk I will first introduce the concept of polariton formation in low-dimensional semiconductors. Following this, I will discuss the formation of Bose Einstein like condensates at room temperature using polaritons formed in organic molecules. Approaches to create condensate lattices in such systems and their potential application as Hamiltonian simulators will also be presented. In the second part of the talk, I will present our recent work on polaritons in atomically thin (2D) materials and their potential to reach quantum nonlinearity. Finally, I will discuss our quantum education efforts at the City College of New York (CCNY) including the development of undergraduate level quantum optics lab and the potential for outreach efforts at the high school level using these systems.

July 27, 2023

Squash is Back!

On July 13, Quantbot had our first squash night since 2019 at Open Squash. With such a wide range of experience, we luckily had professional trainers coaching us through the basics. We love friendly competition and playing squash was no exception! In the end, we had a great time and are already looking forward to our next squash night.

Let the coaching start!
Trying it out
Going for it!

June 28, 2023

Quantbot Intern Game Night

Last week, the new Quantbot office hosted a game night for the first time. Employees and interns enjoyed a night of pizza and poker, with some FIFA thrown in on the side. It was a great event getting to mingle with our interns while also enjoying some fun competition. We are already looking forward to planning our next game night as the summer days continue.

Just some of our NY interns!
FIFA time!